Check out their blog: http://designmemorycraft.typepad.com/design-memory-craft/
I'm thrilled to have my artwork in their catalog and at the CHA booth! I can't wait to play with all the new materials and create fun art with them. I loved them in the past and I'm swooning over the new stuff!!!
Elfie has returned and has been keeping watch over the little angels in my house. Mark is absolutely thrilled to be able to seek out Elfie each morning and he tells him all about what he's done that is helpful or good but forgets that he's around when he's acting naughty! We have to remind him frequently about his poor choices and how Elfie will be reporting back to the big man. This time of year is NUTS! I think this is the first year that I've completely felt like the holidays are bumrushing me and making me miserable! I am stressed, overwhelmed, and freaking out about how fast it's coming! I am NOT ready! Shopping is mostly done, but the wrapping, baking, and all the spirit is running me over. We have been sick around here and I'm so ready to rest! I need a vacation from the holidays. I know I sound like the grinch but really it's just that this year has gone so fast and I can't keep up. I am hoping the new year brings me more time, less stress, and having more "me" time. I need to make some goals, resolution, whatever you want to call it. Later about those! I am just happy that I have some new opportunities to create art and can't wait to get to it! Happy Holidays!!!
I wish you and your family a very merry christmas! Enjoy the holidays!
Hugs Lea
What incredibly awesome news! I will have to try their India Ink pen! So glad you're going to be a part of Art Journal Every Day!
wow your blog looks amazing ...very inspiring .. I live in Australia and have only just come across the faber-castelle site .... stunning work and the possibilities are endless . love your artwork on earlier posts... beautiful colours, I just love it!!you are very talented.. I will be back .... Hugs x
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