It's summer and that means I have a bit more time to create! I am trying my best to fit it in during Christopher's nap time and after the kids go to bed. Being a mom is never ending... you don't get breaks like in a "real job". It is hard and it is exhausting, but it is also rewarding and fun sometimes. There are times when I don't really enjoy being a mom... like when I have to be the disciplinarian. When I have to yell and get totally aggravated by behaviors that are inappropriate or or down right intolerable! Mark is going through that 5 year old stage (well, he IS 5) where he wants to do what HE wants to do and not what we ask or tell him to do. It's become a battle of wits. Not always fun! We have done alot of yelling and screaming on both sides here in and out of this house. Finally, I HAD it! I decided to try a system that I read about in a magazine. It is simple and had instant gratification all in one! He needs motivation to curb his wants. So, I made a reward jar. Simple glass jar decorated for him and using marbles and pretty "gems" as tactile symbols for positive behaviors and deeds. He gets one from myself, Matt, or one of the grandparents (when they are watching him) if he displays a positive tone, respectful behaviors or requests, and helpful deeds (either by being asked or on his own... like sharing or getting something for his brother without being asked to). He gets to place the marble or gem in the jar. When the jar is filled, he gets a reward. The rewards are of his choice: a special day with Mommy or Daddy, a play date with a friend, or some spending money. Now, I know some people think that this is bribery, but you know what??? I think whatever works to the end result that you want is fine! I am done with the yelling and screaming. I want to instill him to strive for positive things through determination and a goal. Whether that is intrinsic or extrinsic doesn't matter to me. 5 year olds are not intrinsically motivated in general. They do what they FEEL like at the time and don't think about long term goals unless there is something motivating them to do so. So, here is my solution and it's working great. We had been doing a chart but it's hard to keep track of and do consistently. This is much easier for everyone and FUN! Here's the jar:

I have more projects posted over at Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker blog HERE. Check it out! I am working on tons more right now! I can't seem to stop with the ideas flowing!
I'll leave you with one more page that I finished a bit ago. It's one of Mark with his lovey, Ducky. I love this photo so much! I printed it on watercolor paper for a soft feel. The papers are Tim Holtz's new line! LOVE these designs!!!

I used a variety of hole punches to create the eaten corners. Love the layered look with texture. He will not remember the words he spoke that day, but I will never forget them! I wanted to document them for him later. My sweet little boy is growing so fast!
Btw, you probably noticed that the blog has a new look to it. I changed the background and I might work on a new header someday. It was time for a new "artsy" look. I love Shabby Blogs site and their designs! Let me know what you think!

I have more projects posted over at Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker blog HERE. Check it out! I am working on tons more right now! I can't seem to stop with the ideas flowing!
I'll leave you with one more page that I finished a bit ago. It's one of Mark with his lovey, Ducky. I love this photo so much! I printed it on watercolor paper for a soft feel. The papers are Tim Holtz's new line! LOVE these designs!!!

I used a variety of hole punches to create the eaten corners. Love the layered look with texture. He will not remember the words he spoke that day, but I will never forget them! I wanted to document them for him later. My sweet little boy is growing so fast!
Btw, you probably noticed that the blog has a new look to it. I changed the background and I might work on a new header someday. It was time for a new "artsy" look. I love Shabby Blogs site and their designs! Let me know what you think!