As this year comes to a close , I thought that it was appropriate to update my personal statement for "why I scrap"! Maybe reflect on why I started and where I want to go with it. It's been a productive year for me. I have been accepted on several Design Teams (with a few more hopeful applications out there), been published (3 times), taught classes, and made well over 200 pages this year! I am on a roll creatively. It's just amazing that it's the end of December and I'm excited to see where 2008 leads me. So, reflect on what this art means to you and what are you scrap goals for 2008?
What is this crazy artform about? Well, for me, it is not only a venue to express my feelings, thoughts, and memories, but it's also a place to experiment with materials, record observations and just CREATE! I am a 3D artist by training and, up until I had my son, practice. Now, it's not convenient or practical to create in clay, metal, or plaster with a 3 year old around. So, I turned to scrapbooking. It's essentially 2 dimensional, but I can play with 3 dimensional qualities and techniques on a medium that is flexible. I can leave it and come back whenever I have the time, need or energy. I NEED to create. It's something that just feeds me. I feel whole and free when I make something. I must touch the materials, feel the textures, see the colors, and rearrange the elements. It's vital to my existance. It just so happens that this is also a way to capture my life (in it's crazy entirety) and hopefully engage my viewers to want to get to know more... want to try the techniques that I've tried and create their own art. That is my personal fulfillment... to inspire myself and others.
What are my goals for 2008?
1. I would love to become a member of a Manufacturer's Design Team
2. Get a few more layouts in publications
3. Finally tackle grungeboard - got a bunch, now need to figure out how I can manipulate them!
4. Maybe complete an album or two.
5. Finally, I'd like to get organized... mentally, physically, and get those layouts in actual books this year! LOL!
Wish me luck! Happy New Year!