Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to wish all my US pals Happy Thanksgiving today!  It's a day of family, food, and good wine!  Well at least for me!  I do not have to cook at all today!  I am bringing jellied Cranberry sauce from the can... that's my favorite!  Don't judge! I'm also bringing some of my favorite bottles of wine which I might share with my family... I plan to enjoy and relax. I've run nonstop for over two weeks now!  I'm in need of relaxation if I even remember what that is!  I did treat myself to a pedicure on Tuesday but that was more because I knew it would be 60 degrees today and I was embarrassed with the state of my toes.   In Central New York, that is unheard of!!!  I plan to enjoy it and take a nice walk around my In Laws neighborhood and later in my neighborhood to walk off the yummy meal that I know my Mother -in-Law, Kathy, will make!
The reason we are not staying home this year is this:
We are totally redoing the kitchen!  It started when I left for my Art Teacher's conference a week ago.  They gutted it and built the wall where a doorway had been (we had 3 entrances into the kitchen) and now we have 2.  One led into my art room and it was a waste of precious wall space!  Now, I have one open side and more wall to hang inspiration and art!  Can't wait until we finish painting it all!  They are done with the initial electrical work and building so now we wait until next week when the cabinets get installed!  I'm so excited!!!  We are adding an eat in island too!  The cabinets are going to be quarter sawn oak in the Mission style!  Okay, so I'll take update photos as we go.
Okay, so I am now going to leave you and get ready to go to our feast... but I'll leave you with a recent layout from Scrapbooking From The Inside Out's November kit "Mindful". 
 This page has a funny story attached.  I picked up Christopher, my 3 year old, from daycare one day and he handed me a drawing.  He usually has at least 4 for me each day!  LOVE that!  Being an art teacher, I'm pretty good at guessing what they are.  This one was obviously a creature or person.  I asked him to tell me about it.  He told me that it was Mommy!  I asked what the dots were.  Thinking they were polka dots (I wore a polka dotted shirt that day)... nope.  They are my "eyes, boobies, and butt"... I laughed about that for a good long time!!!  What an observant and funny little artist he is!

 I punch circles of varying sizes and layered them to play off the circle theme!  I love the effect!
This page is a treasure.. I will never forget that little drawing and my proud little artist who made it for me! I may add the original drawing to the page protector when I put it in his book!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I'll be posting another post tomorrow highlighting many layouts and projects using chipboard for a team I'm hoping to join! 

1 comment:

  1. Gotta admit - jellied cranberry sauce from the can is a must-have at our Thanksgiving, so I'm not judging! And the wine, too. But we didn't have any 60 degree weather here! I was kayaking on our little lake while the turkey cooked, with my life-jacket over a warm sweatshirt and fuzzy gloves.


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