Monday, July 27, 2009

Cardboard obsession???

Hello, My Name is Jennifer and I have a cardboard addiction.... Seriously, I can't get enough! I love working on cardboard as a base for my pages and artwork. I have been using it alot. It's so much fun, textural, the color is perfect, the results unpredictable and it's recycling! On the other hand, it's bulky, not acid free, and not precut. So what! I don't give a fig about acid free and neither did the Masters of art. They used materials even if they didn't know that they would last a long time. I can't be bothered with that train of thought... that useless worrying. Do I intend to be immortal and have my work last FOREVER? Not really. It's artwork... an outpouring of my soul. A way for me to create and release my story... my history. BUT do I intend to store them in albums? Hmmm... I havent' been. They are in a box right now. Stacks of pages and mixed media. Just stored away with no real organization, no real theme, no rhyme or reason. I am too busy and unorganized to do that right now. What if something happened to me and they just sat that way until someone had to go through all my stuff? Well, they'd get a clue that I'm an artist and I'm disorganized! Teee hee. So, for now, that's where they stay. I might frame some in shadow boxes and hang them in my house (Lord knows I have enough blank wall space for some much needed artwork and Hubs keeps bugging me to get some framed and up!). I'm hoping someone creates some kind of album or multiple bulky page display thingy so that those of us that choose to work on pages that have more depth to them such as pop dots, cardboard, ribbon, buttons, etc.. , can display them without buying a million albums! Not sure how that would fly but I'll have to think on it!

Other notes, Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker in debuting as we speak at CHA. I'm so excited for her. Her designs are adorable and so fun to use. There is a giveaway on this blog... for the new halloween line! Check it out! Also her new website is up and you can see all the releases here!

I just finished my 2nd class at Bad Girls kits... Life Enhanced. The class is open indefinately so you can purchase it and still access the forum and materials. Here is a peek at the new layout that I did within the class...
The Caged Bird Sings

So,it's not too late to take it! I am taking a little break in classes to get my school planning done and come up with a fun project based class. I'm thinking that it may be a fun sculptural assemblage project. We'll see!


  1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this crazy obsession!! (We should start our own Most of the rest of the world doesn't relate, my hubby has given up on me, he just shakes his head as I retrive stuff out of the recycle bin (i.e. cereal boxes, rice boxes, cracker boxes, etc..)
    Get your fix today!! ;-)

  2. cool you like cardboard i like dolls myself.

  3. hee hee...i have started collecting "chipboard" also!! thanks for linking the giveaway!!!


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