Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It's been a few days since I last blogged... bad blogger BAD! I'm going to try to make this place more fabulous. I'm almost ready to share peeks for April's Bad Girls kit. It's awesome~ I know I say that every month, but really and truly besides last month, it's one of my favorites! You will have to come back on Saturday for some sneaky peeks...

Well, I need to spice up this blog a bit and use it for what I intended it for on a regular basis. Teaching techniques and sharing art stuff! So, I am going to start tomorrow with a short little tutorial for you! That will be a regular Thursday event, ladies and gents. I am also going to be giving a few RAKs out with said tutorial. That's right, you will be a how to and then I give out a goody to a lucky person that posts. See, I LOVE comments and I'm sure many of you are visiting but not leaving me a little note to let me know you came and saw! So, to sweeten the pot and bribe you to leave me love, I'm going to be offering a little prize! I'll post tomorrow with pics and the tutorial on how to print a pic on METAL! That's right... just you wait. YOu will be RUNNING out to get all the supplies in no time~ Can't wait! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOO!! Can't wait to see what you will come up with!!!! Great idea to start a tutorial!!!!



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