Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sneak Peek Time

I forget that multitasking is a skill that could win me a gold medal IF it was an Olympic sport! I'm typing this one handed as I feed Christopher and upload sneak peeks for the March BAD GIRLS KIT!!! You are gonna LOVE that kit passionately!!! It's SOOOOOOooooo amazing! With that being said, here are a few peeks to get you drooling...

Join the Bad Girls in the VIP lounge on February 28th at 9pm PST or 12 midnight for EST... reveal night!!!


  1. Oooh...these detail pics make me hungry for the whole enchilada! That second pic has me especially curious...

  2. wow. each sneaky peek just makes you WANT and GOTTA have.

  3. OMG, girly girly!! Looking forward to seeing the rest of it!!


  4. Love your sneakies Jen! Hope you're all doing better, and feeling well!

  5. ok - must know who makes the alphas you used to spell girl.. those are fab momma!

  6. Hi Jen,hope baby is fine now.yes,usually newborns face the reflux boy had THAT surgery thing,unfortunately .that was 8years ago.reading your blog reminded me of my own frust story the,glad that itz just reflux problem.Enjoy your motherhood and enjoy scrapping beautiful stuffs to share with us ;) -jaz


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