Well, you are in luck... Bad Girls Kits is looking for a couple new designers to add to their team!!! This is a HUGE deal girls! Wendy is opening a call for DT members... check it out here:
Bad Girls DT Call
All the info is there and it's open until February 11, 2009 by midnight!!! So get your creative mojo in gear and get creating. What are you waiting for??? Go forth and create art!!!
There are big changes over there and I'm part of it all ... so exciting. I love that it is so ART focused and inspiring the "outside the box" mixed media artists and scrapbookers. Even Tim Holtz featured us on his blog the other day! WOW! I'd love you to join the team so please apply!
Okay, now about me... Just got back from the doctor's and NOTHING has changed. WHAT??? I really thought that with all the tightening and pressure I'd be farther along. I guess he is comfy in there and not ready to come out into this bitter cold world. It's freezing lately here... literally 5 degrees right now! Brrrrr... that's COLD baby! I'm cozied in and getting geared up to take down Christmas decor. I know... it's January 15th right? Why do I do this to myself. I should have taken it all down weeks ago, but I dread the barren look of the house after it's all down. BLAH. If I had energy I would make something to put in it's place and make the house still seem wintery and cozy. Oh well, I guess it has to get done or it will be up into February. LOL! I have to wait to take the tree down until tonight though when Mark gets home from school because he wants to help take the ornaments down. I just know it would be very disappointing for him if he missed that. So, I'll do that last. I am going to go start bringing little things downstairs to put away. Wish me luck. I'll need a nap after all this.
what exciting news about the DT call. hopefully things will move along soon with your baby in the oven. LOL