Friday, November 23, 2007

Where has this month gone???

Here we are after Thanksgiving... Black Friday. Did I get up ungodly early and go shopping? YEP! Matt thought I was nuts and even tried to "forbid" me to go. BLAH.. do I listen, NO! So I got up at 5 am and showered, dressed, and headed for the mall. The plan was to stay away from toy stores, electronics, and large retail chains. I went to Macy's first and got Matt a ton of stuff for his b'day next week and Christmas. Good start! Then, after dropping that all off in the car, I went back in for more. I got a Latte and then headed for Old Navy... I got Mark a couple things for his b'day and as I worked my way down the Mall, I thought about how much I love shopping for others at the holidays. It just feels good. I have to admit that I did buy myself a few items. I got a couple pairs of pants, gloves, a new bra, and a new coat. I needed the bra and coat badly... the others were a bonus. Kind of a pat on the back for making it through the last couple months. It's been a crazy few months. Just to recap... I finished a ceramic tile mural at school, managed to NOT kill any kids (that is said in a *Wink Wink ** sort of way), threw a Halloween party, finished DT assignments, had numerous doctors appts.... both for myself and for Mark, had a Colonoscopy ** more about that in a minute**, got a new car (well, a mini van to be exact), attended a conference where I presented 2 workshops, managed to NOT kill the hubby, and am now planning birthday parties and Christmas! Whew!!!!
Okay, about that Colonoscopy... totally was not a big deal. The worst part was the prep. I got there and they had a hard time inserting the IV... Apparently I have no veins. They put me out and I woke up dopey and feeling pretty good. I got photos of the interior of my a** and found out that what was causing my discomfort was a few small interior hemis... Okay, I can deal with that. BIG sigh of relief. No surgery, no pain... very easy. So, I immediately wanted fries and a diet soda! Matt was a sweetie. He didn't even argue with me. It was the best soda and fries I had ever eaten! I was pretty loopy all day.
Now that that is out of the way and I know I'm all clear... literally, we are starting to try to have a second baby. Yep, you heard me. I am ready to make my life crazier than it is now. I can't believe I'm saying that. Mark is potty trained and ready for a big boy room and I'm ready to return to diapers. Well, now that I write that, it doesn't sound so great! LOL! I think this is the perfect time. If we don't have another soon, life will be too comfortable and we will never decide it's a good time. So, we are putting it in the hand's of a greater power and having a good time while we're at it! Our parents are thrilled of course...even with the possiblity of having another baby in the family... mind you, we aren't actually prego... they just swoon at the thought of it being a possibility.
Anyways, I have a million things that I need to finish... creatively speaking. I'm working on 3 mini albums... one is a DT assignment for The Little Scrap Shop and the others are gifts. One I have been "working" on... ie: procrastinating... since last March. I'm also doing Christmas cards, a garland project...I'll share later, gifts, and other DT projects. In all my "spare" time, I need to finish at least 5 more artworks for my group artshow in January.. What was I thinking??? I better get moving on that! I'll post some previews when I get them done... let's just say I'm going to be doing some mixed media and prints to go along with my sculptures.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Bon Bon says...Great news about the colonoscopy...I need to schedule another..... Great news about all the shopping you have done! Exciting news about the prospect of adding to your family. Good luck with all your projects! And you are so right ...I love buying gifts for others at this time of year...just filled with so much love and anticipation...the most wonderful time of the year!


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